Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 5

Jeff built a shelf in our shop, up high, for all my Christmas decorations.  It's nice, because they are out of the way during the year...but getting them up and down is a pain.  It really takes three of us.  I tried doing it by myself one year, and nearly killed myself.  Tipped over the ladder trying to pull a box down and swing it around and put it in the pickup from the ladder.  So Danelle's girls have been helping us the last couple of years.  Chelsey came Sunday evening and got up on the shelf, Jeff got on the ladder, and Danelle got in the pickup...I ran Ellie to the bathroom.  Talked to Treven...I had the easy part.  Anyway, we got the pickup loaded, and Chelsey said..."do you really put all this stuff up?"  Well, alot of it, but I have to bring it all in because I never know what I'm going to use.'s some photos of the totes of decorations I keep. 

I didn't think to take a photo of the upstairs tree before I started decorating it, but this is the one's old.  I bought it when I still lived at my old house...pre Jeff.  How old is that.  Britt & Braquel actually helped me make some garland by tying fabric on it the year I bought this....and that's what I'm going to decorate it with this year.  I'll take a photo when it's done and share.

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