Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Retreat time is soooo close

This is another black and white photo with spot color that I did. It's Braquel's hand, and she was holding a rose that her mother got for Valentine's day. I'm going to turn it in for extra credit in my photoshop class, because I just wasn't that thrilled with the other photo I did.
I'm excited. Only one more day to work and then I'll be headed for the retreat! I haven't even started packing anything, and it's so busy I'm not sure when I'll get it done either. Maybe at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow morning and again Thursday morning before I leave.
Tonight we went to pick up our tickets for the Dodge National finals rodeo...and somehow the guy didn't get the tickets right. We were supposed to get four for the afternoon and eight for the evening performance. He had six for the afternoon and four for the evening...bummer. Anyway, he kept the two extra afternoon tickets, and he's going to try and get four more for the evening tomorrow. I personally don't think he'll be able to pull it off. So, we'll give our evening tickets to Roger & Darena, and if he can't get us tickets, I guess we won't be going. I'm disappointed, but...what do you do? So, it may not be a problem going to the retreat and meeting up with Jeff & his parents Saturday afternoon somewhere...

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