Monday, August 11, 2014

Rest of Challis ride

The building above is at Bay Horse mining district, which was way interesting and beautiful.

This was gorgeous.  We went to the lake below, which is actually the water source for the City of Challis.  It was an awesome ride and we went through some beautiful country.

More of Bay Horse.

Some of the mines we rode to during our visit to the Bay Horse Mining district.

This was a great week.  We saw so much new country and enjoyed every minute of it.  In the last couple of photos, if you look really, really close, you can see the lookout on top of the mountain.  The last photo is the road up to it.  Steve finished going all the way up, but Jeff and I wimped out and quite before all the switch backs on the shale.  If Steve thought it was a little scary, I know I didn't want to ride it.  This was on the border of the Frank Church Wilderness area.

1 comment:

Robin said...

So green!! Love the picture of the old cabin!!!