Sunday, April 12, 2015

Slice of Life quilt

I loved how easily this quilt went together.  It was made with a layer cake, plus fabric for 3 extra 10" squares and border fabric.  I made a queen size, and this was the quilt I took to Ken & Viki when we went to Arizona.  The only problem was the quilting machine....I worked and worked and it just kept cutting the thread.  I worked on Friday and Saturday and finally decided when I wanted to start swearing, I'd better just quit.  I had been through the handbook and tried everything they said...tension, a new needle, new thread...Then when Margene got home, she went through everything again...On Monday morning I ran over to Hemstitching to ask advice...she said are you sure the needle is in the right way?  After looking at hers (and feeling it)  It was in backwards.  What I don't understand though...we had already quilted three quilts with it like that and no problems.  I wonder if the flannel on the back was just so thick on this quilt, that it made the difference.  Whatever it was, when I turned the needle around....we were in business.  I hate it when stuff like that happens.

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