Monday, April 8, 2013

Valentine treats, girlfriend card, and week 1 of project life

 These were the treats that I made for Valentine's Day.  I had ordered some CTMH stamps and I guess this was their February special or something.  So, I made them and then gave them away.  Like always.  I thought they were pretty cute.

More of my "girlfriend" stamps.  I just love them.  I think they are just so cute and I always love the verses.  Can't you just imagine yourself saying that to a "girlfriend"?

Well, you all know I decided to try doing Project Life this year.  I was late purchasing the kit, and then didn't have a computer, and then just didn't know where to start.  Until Robin came last weekend and got me started.  So, I did January and February last weekend.  This week I got the first two weeks of March finished.  So...I'm almost caught up.  I'm actually enjoying it, and it has encouraged me to take more photos...mostly with my iphone.  I know they aren't the greatest, but I almost always have it with me, when I don't lug around my big Canon all the time.  I'll be glad when I get caught up, because it will be easier to remember things that were said and what I really did that week.  Even trying to go back a month or two, I think you forget a lot. 

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