Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ellie & Mikayla's birthday

I always give Jeff a hard time about getting so excited over hunting, but that's about the way I feel tonight.  Excited that tomorrow is the retreat....yeah!
Today wasn't such a great day though.  Danelle is fighting jury duty, and is supposed to go in tomorrow.  She got copies of the Uhaul bill, the deposited check for the school house, the web address...all to prove that she had a commitment for a long time to the retreat.  Then the school calls her and they are closing down for the rest of the week because so many kids are sick.  What should she do with Treven now?  She said it almost feels like she just isn't suppose to go.
On top of this, we had all three ladies from Nevada cancel, ....the list just goes on and on.
Mom and Margene went to Pocatello to see Tami and her new baby today, and to visit with Doris.  I just didn't have the time to go with them, and feel a little guilty about it.  Jeff & I were going to get wood, but he thought it was too wet and was afraid of sliding off the no wood.
Crazy day!
But, tomorrow...hopefully things go better for us.

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