Thursday, June 28, 2012

June exchange card #2

I believe that I shared before how I made these flowers out of coffee filters.  I bought 2 packages and couldn't believe how many I got.  I haven't even used half of the first package.  I loved how they turned out though.  For the card, I used a collection of paper that all matched and made tags to go across the bottom.  Then added the flower.  I really liked how it turned out.
We got the horses shoed tonight finally.  We started about five weeks ago.  The guy showed up to Vern's and did the two out there, and then we could never get him here to do these three.  Last week I finally called someone else and he came tonight.  It took him about 2-1/2 hours to get them finished.  Scout was the worst.  Just didn't want him handling his feet, and I think part of it was how broken they had gotten and sore.  But, they are finally done.  We won't let them go like that again.
I started the water on the hay while Jeff helped Chet with the horses.  I only had a few lines that had come undone, so it wasn't too bad.
One more day of work this week. Yeah!  Looking forward to a little relaxation and fun.

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