Sunday, May 15, 2016

Christmas Diamond Quilt

This was all the pieces that I had cut out, and I tried to arrange how they would fit together....

First row finished....note the double white borders on each side...I kept looking at  it...looking at the pattern...thinking it just didn't quite look right.  But, after reading the instructions, I thought it was.  So...I kept sewing.

So....don't look at the next photos yet... I finished sewing a queen size quilt together like this.  Still didn't look right, but it was finished.  Then I started sewing the lap size one I had cut out...for a give away.  That's when I FINALLY realized what I had done wrong.  I was only supposed to have ONE strip on the side of the diamond...then the other white strip came from the next diamond...not one on EACH diamond...but, I told Jeff..." the queen size quilt is for us, and we'll just live with it.  I'm not tearing that whole quilt apart and re-sewing it!"  Famous last words.  When I finished the lap quilt, I liked it soooo much better, that I spent 3-4 days ripping the queen size apart and re-sewing it.  I'm glad I did though.

I quilted the queen size, but haven't quilted the lap quilt yet.  I will probably do the same type of quilting on it though...loved how it turned out!

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