Sunday, June 12, 2016

Christmas Ice Skating Quilt

So...since I had my Christmas fabric out trying to use it up, I started making all kinds of Christmas lap quilts.  After I had made...a lot...I decided I would use them for the gifts I usually give the girls when we go shopping in November.  But, I told one of them..."I'm not giving it out to everyone this year...they actually need to come shopping to get it."  I had one say...I don't know if I can go, but then decided she could if she was getting a quilt.  I have no idea how to decide which one to give to each daughter/ I think I'll just wrap them up or put them in bags and they can just pick one.  That way I'm not deciding who gets what.  So, I have several quilted, and lots to still quilt, but I'll start sharing

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