Monday, February 27, 2017

Sister's Retreat

Janell never gets away from her phone or ipad...always busy talking to her kids or something.

Leslie puts a lot of work into her yard.  Tons of flowers and planters everywhere.  She keeps most of them up higher to try and keep the squirrels from eating them...  She has to water all of them by hand.
The first night we were there, we found a hop scotch drawn in their Janell, Margene and I played it.  Not sure we even remembered the rules.  We made it super hard on all of us, but Janell finally won...of course...she's the youngest and can still move!

The first night we were there, we put photos in order for mom and then put them in an album.  Thought we had tons of room, but some of the sheets tore, and that left us short.  But, at least them were separated and in order for her.  The next morning we got up, and painted her kitchen for her.  I did edges along with Janell, and Leslie took everything down, while Margene painted.  It wasn't really too bad.  Then we worked on the quilt that we made for Danelle...

Each one of us took a meal and made it.  I had breakfast and tried out a new recipe that I wanted to make at our retreat.  Wasn't too bad.  Margene and I got up every morning about 5:30 and went for a walk.  It was chilly, but beautiful.  Look at the sunrise photo!

The bottom photo is the same, but done in a water color...Pretty cool app!

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