Saturday, September 17, 2011

September exchange card #4

I actually like every one of the cards I made for the exchange this month...I know...shock!  Usually I'm not thrilled by the time I finish up, but then later when I look at them...I think, they're okay.  But this month I really liked them all.  Clever folds are fun!
Now get out there and make some cards!
My hubby got home yesterday.  Since it was raining in Driggs, they just packed up and came home a day early.  He said he really had an enjoyable time, and I'm sure his dad was just thrilled to be able to ride to Hidden Corral and Hidden Lake for what will probably be his last time.  At least that's what he thought before they went, but Jeff said he enjoyed it sooo much, that he's already talking about going again.  Yes...he'll be 87 next month.  One of the rides they took was 7.1 miles in...that's a long day in the saddle for some one that's 86...or 64 for that matter.  But, I'm just glad they got that dad/son time's priceless!

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